"Love all. Serve all."

Registration for SSE Year 2022-23 is now open. Please register using this link.

Never give up the organization. Regard it as the breath of your life. This is real penance. Having this firm resolve, become exemplary leaders. This is My sole desire. Swami's love will accompany you everywhere.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 23, November 23, 1990

Our goal is to help people realize the Divine Principle innate in every human being. By doing selfless service and achieving self-transformation by practicing the five universal human values of Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Nonviolence, one comes to that realization. This Divine Principle within is shown by exhibiting love in thought, word, and deed.

"Help ever. Hurt never."

Why do we learn about Sai Spiritual Education?

Bal Vikas means "blossoming of the child". Similarly, we learn about Sai Spiritual Education in order to live by Santhana Dharma in which Sai Baba exemplifies. By this, we become a better version of ourselves and achieve Swami's message for life.

In Swami's words:

To instill in the minds of the young the values of prayer, humility, and loving service to others, the homes have to be the first schools. The parents have to be imbued with faith in the basic universal truth of all religions....They must be seen worshiping at the family altar, meditating in silence, forgiving faults in others, and showing sympathy for pain and grief. Children should not see them worried, helpless, discontent, or distressed, as if they have no God to lean upon, no inner resource of strength and courage to fall back on."

SS 5:335; Meeting of Headmasters, 3-4-67

Swami explains:

How Important Are The Five Human Values?

Center activities

Service activities and Balavikas artwork in pictures

Thought for the Day

Follow Thought for the Day updates with Radio Sai


Interviews in the form of articles or videos (coming soon)

SSE Monthly Musings

Monthly Musings by Balavikas students (coming soon)

In-person classes/center are suspended until further notice. ALL SSE activities are conducted online